RED DRAGON INCENSE –Â 10 stick pack of hand-dipped incense
Red Dragon Occult Incenses are formulated according to the traditional formulations for the stated purpose. Their odors, formulated to produce a specific spiritual vibration required for the spell work being done, are taken fromÂ
Wicca; New Orleans Mdme. Marie Laveau Voodoo, Charleston and Haitian Voodoo; American, Pagan and Cajun Folk Magic; and Brujeria and Santeria.
They are made from naturally derived perfume, floral, herbal, and root ingredients.
Our natural incenses are created from the finest herbs, woods, resins and floral extracts according to traditional formulations without the use of hydrocarbon derived fixatives or petroleum products. We use only high quality coconut charcoal adhered to bamboo slivers, with gum arabic as the adhesive, giving a superior natural product without the use of chemical synthetics. Our perfume oils are the finest obtainable. We buy from the famous perfume fields of France, Morocco, the middle East, India, South Africa, and Nepal.Â
At the Dragon Herbarium, we make and package our own incense, thus maintaining high quality control. There are 10 sticks per package & each stick burns about 45 minutes.Â
Algiers Fast Luck (Cajun-For gambling and racing)
Beneficent Dream (Cajun-Conducive to positive dreaming)
Black Arts (Laveau-Useful in most spells)
Black Cat (Laveau-Useful in most spells)
Black Isis (Medieval-The patroness of the Knights)
Boss Fix (Cajun-Gain the favor of your employer)
Caliph s Beloved (Charleston Voodoo-To create a seductive atmosphere)
Come to Me (Laveau-To draw a person to oneself)
Consecration (General-To bless an object or an altar)
Divination (Laveau-For scrying)
Evohe (Crowley-To call up spirits)
Firey Wall of Protection (New Orleans Voodoo-For a protective circle)
Golden Dragon (Blackwell-Spiritual prosperity & wealth)
Has No Hannah (Laveau-For a man unlucky in love)
Healing Hands (Laveau-For healing)
High John the Conqueror (Laveau-Aids any spell)
Jinx Removing (New Orleans Voodoo-Undo a spell cast on you by another)
Just Judge (Laveau-To assist in court cases)
Lucky Hand (Laveau-For card players)
Magic Circle (Wicca-For consecrating a circle)
Marriage (Cajun-To bring about marriage)
Mistress of the House (Cajun-To gain control of your household)
Money Draw (Laveau-To attract money)
Mystic Rites (Wicca-Generally aid the performance of magical rites)
Prosperity (Pagan-To draw in and make secure)
Protection (Laveau-For protection around oneself and their possessions)
Rama Dream (Cajun-Encourage one to dream & get answers)
Samhain (Wicca-Burn during Samhain, divination session, or any autumn workings)
Seven African Powers (Santeria-Invoke African Orishas & gain their help)
Solstice (Wicca-Burn during summer or winter solstice)
Showers of Gold (Cajun-When one needs cash in a hurry)
Spirit Guide (Laveau-To attract ones spiritual guides and helpers)
Special #20 (Laveau-To bring a partner back in desperate cases of love)
Stray No More (Cajun-To keep husbands or wives at home)
Success (Laveau-To attract and make firm the vibration of success)
XX Double Crossing (Laveau-To hex or curse)
XX Double Uncrossing (Laveau-To remove a hex or curse)
White Goddess (Wicca-Invoke positive aspects of the Goddess)
Additional Information
Scent | Algiers Fast Luck, Black Isis, Beneficent Dream, Caliph’s Beloved, Come to me, Consecration, Divination, Fire of Passion, Just judge, Has no Hannah, Healing hands, Helping hands, High John the conqueror, Jinx removing, Lucky hand, Magic circle, Marriage, Mistress of the house, Money draw, Mystic rites, Prosperity, Protection, Rama dream, Samhain, Seven African powers, Showers of gold, Solstice, Special # 20, Spiritual protection, Stray no more, Success, White goddess, XX Double crossing, XX Double uncrossing |